Welcome to Fal's Facts


please note: this character and any subsequent stories about him are considersed the property of Jason Temple, the original creator of said character, and holder of the copyright thereof.

How did Top Secret get together?

It started just shortly after the foundation of the NHB version 2.0 Being a vetran from the first NHB (I ran Crippled Sempai) I had found my way into this NHB and saw that there were many people about forming teams. Top Secret was a logical step, but since the league had just started we all felt it would be in our best interests not to let anyone know who was on the team just yet. I stepped forward as the spokesperson and named the team "Top Secret" because of it's members hidden identities. Originally there were only three members controlling 4 characters who were team members.

Why the hit list?

As it became more and more evident that the NHB was getting bigger and there were many people about, it also became evident, at least to the original founders of Top Secret, that there was also a lack of taste growing amongst the newer generation of fighters. People like Jack Mehoff, and Ken Shammrock were showing up. Being big NHB event fans we were appalled by this change for the worse, and so the hit list was made. If you were uncreative in your name (IE you stole it from a real life person, or a movie character) you were on the list. If you were just rude, or completely stupid in your names (IE the afore mentioned Jack Mehoff) you were on the list. We formed it out of people with bad taste, and people whom we would like to someday fight, and be able to say we had beaten. Now with over 546 fighters in the NHB it's kind of hard to maintain the list, but it does get done.

Why all the noise?

I guess the easiet answer is that we like to create havoc... it makes the game more fun and interesting. Rivalries, name calling, whatever it takes to keep our names in the headlines, and being thrown back and forth by other people.

We are here to make trouble. We are here to pick fights. We are a force to be reckoned with.

Never undersestimate what we can do. We will be around, and we will strik